Press return to Continue in Numerical Citation Style

Write-N-Cite Advanced Features, Preference and Other Options

Advanced Features

Preferences and Other Options

Advanced Features

Once you've mastered the basics of Write-N-Cite, you may wish to take advantage of some of the advanced features available like editing citation and temporarily modifying a bibliography format.

• Editing Citations

• Switching between Notes and In-Text styles

• Custom Bibliography Formatting

Editing Citations

You can edit citations or footnotes to:

  • hide the publication year in the citation

  • hide the author name in the citation

  • add text before the citation (prefix)

  • add text after the citation (suffix)

  • hide the entire citation and only have the bibliography entry

  • hide page numbers (suppress pages)

  • add page numbers (override pages)

  • change the citation ordering

Note: Some editing options are dependent on your Output Style.  For example adding or hiding page numbers works ONLY if your Output Style has page numbers in the in-text citation or footnote, otherwise the options will be unavailable.


To change the ordering of the references in a citation, use the up or down arrow buttons.  This only applies to Output Styles that use first-cited order.  For styles that use alphabetical or other sorting, click the Override Default Ordering check box.


To edit a citation already inserted in your paper, double-click on the citation in Word or right-mouse click on the selected citation and select the item from the context menu. The Insert/Edit Citation box will appear and you can make your modifications.


Switching between Notes and In-Text styles

Write-N-Cite keeps track of your notes and in-text citations when changing styles.  If you change from a notes style, like Chicago, to an in-text only style like APA, your footnotes will be pulled up into the document, formatted as in-text citations and merged with any adjacent citations.  The opposite also works when switching from an in-text style to a notes style.

For styles that accept either notes or in-text citations, Write-N-Cite will keep track of the original location of a citation and return it to the appropriate place as your Output Style changes.

Custom Bibliography Formatting

Write-N-Cite allows you to modify or override the bibliography formatting of the output style you have selected.   Modifications do not permanently change the output style; they only apply to the specific paper you have formatted.  Modifications include:

  • overall bibliography sort order
  • how the bibliography is numbered or ordered
  • line spacing and indentation
  • margins

Note: You must select the Output Style and insert the bibliography into your paper before you can modify the formatting.  You will be prompted to make sure that you want to override the expectations of your Output Style.

To modify bibliography formatting:

1.  Click on the " Click here to unlock style " link at the bottom of the formatting box.

2. Make any changes to the sort, ordering, margins and spacing.

3. Click OK when finished.

Tip: If you leave the Format Bibliography window with the lock icon unlocked, your customizations will change when you change Output Styles.  Re-lock this form to maintain your customizations as you change styles


Preferences and Other Options

Sync My Database

Each time you launch Write-N-Cite, it will download any new or edited references and output styles.  Should you add data to your RefWorks account while you are working on a paper, your changes will become available as you work.  If you feel that your changes haven't yet arrived you may wish to request that Write-N-Cite syncs with your RefWorks database.


To sync your database:

1. Click the RefWorks tab from the Word ribbon.

2. Click Sync My Database .

Remove Field Codes

Write-N-Cite stores codes within your MS Word Documents to represent your references and bibliography.  Some publishers prefer a version of your document without the coding.  Use the Remove Field Codes option to remove all hidden coding inserted by Write-N-Cite.

Before you start this process -- we strongly recommend you save a copy of your document with a different name, as this option removes all field codes from your document and documents without field codes cannot be updated or reformatted with RefWorks.


Reapply Output Style – re-runs formatting for citations, notes and bibliographies as defined by the Output Style and any customizations you have made.  This is useful when working with Master and Sub documents that have different styles.


Write-N-Cite Preferences (switch accounts, log out, folder auto-sync, import MS Office references, convert ad document created with a previos verison of WNC, and language preferences)


Log In/Log Out - Should you choose to log out of WNC (which is not necessary on your own personal computer), click the Log Out button.  The next time you launch WNC, you will need to log in.

Switch Accounts - If you are accessing WNC from a library or public computer, click the Switch Accounts button to log in to your own personal RefWorks account.

Maintain Autosync Folders – This option, enabled by default, will create a sub-folder named after your document in your RefWorks account and place copies of the references you used in that folder for easy access (your references remain in any other folders they were stored in).   These new folders will appear under the top-level Documents folder.  In this example, the paper is saved with the name "Progeria".  You can disable the folder auto-sync from Preferences or directly from the Settings area.


Import Microsoft Office References – If you have used the MS Office feature that allows you to enter and store references in Word, you can import those directly into your RefWorks account (and WNC).

Convert From Previous Versions of Write-N-Cite - Write-N-Cite will automatically convert documents created with Write-N-Cite III.  For unformatted documents created in Write-N-Cite 2, you can manually convert them

1. Open your document and click on the RefWorks tab in the Word ribbon.

2. Click on the Preferences area.

3. Click Convert .

4. Save your converted document. Conversions cannot be undone once you've saved your document.

Language Preferences – allows you to change the display language for WNC to any of our current language offerings.


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